Sleep–the most underrated nutrient! Despite what we may think, it takes energy to stay awake and do even basic functions throughout the day. Sleep is our way of resting, relaxing, recovering, and repairing our body on a cellular level. More importantly, deep sleep gives our body the opportunity to flush out toxins that build up around our brain and spinal cord throughout the day. Why is Sleep so Important? Sleep plays a vital role in our lives. I’m sure you have heard that you need ... VIEW POST
Deep Sleep & Why its Important
A New Year’s Resolution You can Actually Keep!
Have you ever made a New Year’s Resolution and by March can’t even remember your goals? Everyone has been in that situation. You make a New Year’s resolution. You're all gung ho about it for what seems to last half of January, life happens, and your resolution gets put on the back-burner, and fades to a distant memory. Been there. Done that! The resolution failure cycle Why do so many people set out on making New Year’s resolutions, time and time again, knowing they probably won’t ... VIEW POST